Monday, 13 April 2020

Ever He Beckons, Even via Covid

(The Pilgrims of Emmaus on the Road, by James Tissot, ca. 1888.)
This I am penning just after completing a dry Easter Vigil Mass, alone in my room at the midnight of 11 - 12 April. As per the annual Liturgical calendar, we would have otherwise assembled at this hour with our pastoral communities and parish congregations to celebrate and commemorate the glorious Passover of Christ Jesus. What a terrifying turn of events, compared to what we were on the Ash Wednesday, 26 February, just 40 days ago..!  Who would have imagined all this?

       Not that in the past, there were neither endemic nor epidemic. But this time, this novel COVID - 19 pandemic has terrorised one and all, due to its invisible transmission and also, due to its universal spread over 185 countries within a short span of 3 months. The so-called bossy and better positioned nations are all the more hit. Poor countries and continents are relatively spared. Few reasons, though, are forwarded for this striking occurrence.

       In other words, viral infections have been playing havoc on humankind since time memorial. At the end of day, a newly - invented injection and herd immunity that prevailed and protected the people.

       Already it is being observed that, in several countries, after initial peaking, new cases are now on the decline. This means, the virus will pass. Our COVID - EASTER is not too far away. Good Fridays will soon be behind us. Though researchers add, the proved and approved antiviral drug will be available only after 18 months. We prayerfully expect, there will be no repeat performance of the virus in any near future.
       In this scenario, we Jesuits can get readied also for the Post Corona Viral Stage. Here are some possibles :

       By the way, not being merely hopeful but, much more. Optimism would mean, 'transmitting hope even in a hopeless situation'. Even when we all of the 8 billion strong humanity find helpless in this given context of a biological danger, the Covid -19 has undoubtedly made us deeply aware of our own littleness and limitedness. Still, we have no reason to let optimism go. In our teaching, preaching and retreat - giving, we should bring in this optimistic perspective of life and history.
         As someone said, "Lift up your hearts, and be ye glad of heart. The Calvary Day and Easter Day, Earth's saddest day and gladdest day are JUST one day apart!" 

        In more than one sense, pandemic should not become 'panic-demic'. We are learning now that all anxiety all the time may not be good for humanity. At its best, it sinks morale and motivation. At its worst, it can cause some mental pull down. Here, we Jesuits can become and also help others become more and more realistic. Ups and downs are part of life. A wave - movement is bound to be there in our journey of life. In Ignatian parlance, not all the time, consolation. So too, not all the time, desolation. We need to acquire more of this 'grace of realism'. As it is commented, the social lesson of Covid - 19 is also to accept that it is high time to flatten our own 'ego curve'. This takes us to the next concern.

        The presently accelerated inter- dependence across the globe has to be snowballed substantially into a greater trans - dependence on the God of History. Not just  superficial and devotional trust in the Divine but, an adult and mature Confidence in the Divine Providence. God our Common and Cosmic Parent will never ever let us down. Pope Francis frequently pictures God as the God of Surprises. Now we know He is also a God of shocks.

         Read recently: After recovering from Covid, a 93 old man in Italy was asked to pay for one day's use of the ventilator. He started crying. Doctor asked him not to cry and, if he could not pay the bill, not to worry. The old man said, "No, I can pay all the money. I cry because I have breathing God's air for 93 full years, but I never even thought of paying for it. I wonder how much I owe to God". His words moved the doctors to tears.

        We should, hence, never ever forget that our God is a God of Life who continuously shapes and sustains each and every one of us even via a shock therapy like the Covid. We have to lend our ears to his voice that beckons us to ever grow in Simplicity, Sensitivity, Solidarity and thus, in Spirituality. 

- Jerry Rosario, SJ

14th April 2020